Using Proper Construction Equipment

3 Important Tips When Maintaining Hydraulic Equipment

Hydraulic machines are important for the construction industry, and tend to put out a lot of energy to complete critical tasks. Since so much force and power is used by these machines, maintenance is extremely important to ensure they work for as long as possible. You can maintain this equipment in the following ways.

Monitor Temperature Ranges 

One of the best resources you can use to determine whether or not your hydraulic machines are working correctly is temperature. When a machine is working too hard, for example, the temperature will typically rise. You'll want to know what normal operating temperatures are, subsequently, so you can respond accordingly.

Look up the normal operating temperatures of each hydraulic machine, which you can do with ease when you consult with the manufacturer manual. Then if a machine performs out of the recommended range, you can address the issue before significant damage results.

Create a Chart 

To keep relevant diagnostic and operating data organized regarding your hydraulic equipment, you need to create a chart. This gives you the chance to log data and come back to it throughout the months, making necessary adjustments. 

You'll want to record important data, including date, time, ambient temperature, and operating temperatures. For these charts to be relevant, though, you need to log data consistently each time. This helps you accurately pinpoint potential issues, which helps save you time and money. 

You can either create these charts using software or with pen and paper, depending on your preference and available budget.

Use the Right Fluids 

The fluids you use with your hydraulic equipment ultimately determine how smooth and efficient it will work. Ideally, you want the fluid to be high-performance. This just means it can withstand different scenarios and temperatures.

It's also paramount to assess the viscosity of your hydraulic liquid. The grade you ultimately decide on should match the exact operating range of the hydraulic equipment.. If machines each have their own distinct operating temperature, then you'll need to get different viscosity grades. 

Lastly, look for hydraulic fluid that has excellent air-releasing properties. The faster the air releases from the fluid, the less cavitation -- the formation of empty space -- there will be. 

If you rely on hydraulic equipment every day for important operations, you need to execute the right maintenance steps. You then won't be as prone to dealing with complicated repairs that cost your company a fortune and precious time.

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